Friends for many years, we were two young people starting out life with our respective partners, finding our place in the world. Like so many others we were simply trying to make our way in life, working for the future while paying the bills of the present. We worked for the local council's education department as teaching assistant, but as local authority cut backs resulted in less and less work, it became untenable as a full time job.
We had a common goal, and a common dream. It might not take us into the realms of the super rich, but it was a dream to work for ourselves doing something we both enjoyed, to open a small artisan cafe with a friendly, inviting atmosphere. A cafe with its own unique style and ambience.
July 2018
After months of planning, a lot of hard work, and more than a few doubts and concerns, we finished our building work. The simple decor was rustic, but comfortable and warm. We had finished our barista training but had so far no experience of the coffee business. Our little enterprise was slightly out of the way, and easily missed. We didn't even know if people would find us, and if anyone would show up.

First Year
The customers came! In just twelve months we worked with many amazing people. We served a lot of coffee, and made many, many new friends. None of it would have been possible without the help and support of our family, friends, and of course, our valued, wonderful customers. We constantly learn, and endeavour to improve the service and quality of our simple fayre, and the future looks bright.
Looking forward to the future
In 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic struck. All businesses have their ups and downs, in our first year we had good times and bad, but now the cafe had to close for most of 2020 and into the middle of 2021. We received many heart warming messages from well wishing customers throughout the closure, and despite all the setbacks we shall continue. We do not give up easily and hope to share a happy and successful future with all our friends and customers, both old and new, as we move forward with increasing optimism.
There is a chair waiting for you, be part of our future!
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